
Dear esteemed reader,

You may notice a large gap of inactivity on this blog. Since I started this blog many things have happened in my life. The one thing to note that would be the most important here was my decision to stop talking about being a writer and to start writing. In the past five months I have drafted myself a novel. I am still finishing the final edits but, if all goes well it will be done before I turn 24. I plan on using this blog to promote my novel so, any posts you see from here on out should be about that.

I will leave all of the other posts from my past here just so that people will see a little bit about who I am. I should note that this blog was created as part of a college class. I had no intention of keeping it once it was done but, viral marketing is necessary for any young author so, here we are.  I will continue to post here in hopes that one day, after I am published, when people search my name it will bring them here. If it did then hello all you people. Thank you for taking an interest in me and my work.

Again thanks,

Ian A Winship

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Kids Doing The Oscars

I didn’t watch the Oscars tonight. I was too busy doing real life stuff like working my terrible dead end job until 10:30 but, while I was away making the lettuce my girlfriend sent me this link. It was a pleasant thing to come home to at the end of the night. I laughed, I cri…well I laughed more. Watch as these kids act out scenes from selected Oscar Nominees. I guess you could say there are spoilers here but, who hasn’t seen all of these. I don’t even feel like I missed anything.

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Euler’s Disk – When your mind is blown and you aren’t sure why.

Check out this little physics experiment. Sometimes the littlest of things can blow your mind.

Good Books Campaign Ad

As a journalist, an art lover, as a person who is kind of weird I tend to keep an eye out for stuff like this. This beautiful animation works as a homage to Hunter S. Thompson, Kafka, Borroughs, and good animation. Check it out. It’s pretty cool.

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I don’t really use this anymore. I will in the future.

If you want to see more of my writing you can find me at :


I am currently participating in an internship at 

Most of my work goes into that. 

Movie Critics and The Whole Nobody-Going-To-The-Theaters Thing

And I am back from my break. For all of you who actually read this I clearly haven’t posted in a while. I was doing my holiday thang. Hanging out with the family, eating delicious foods, watching a bunch of movies, and sleeping like nobodies business. Now it is time to get back into the swing of things and what better thing to talk about than Mr. Roger Ebert.

In a recent article on his website Mr. Ebert writes about why movie theaters are losing revenue. He makes six main points that I agree with. First he says there is an “absence of a must-see mass-market movie. ” In 2011 we didn’t have any giant movies like “Avatar” or “The Dark Night.” Heck, in my opinion we didn’t have many good movies at all. At least not at showing at the big box office. Most of the films I would consider “good” did not end up getting played the “local gigantiplex” as Roger so aptly names them. But I digress.

His second point was the absurdity that is ticket prices. Going to the movies used to be something the whole family could do without you breaking the bank. Now if you want to see a 3D movie with your two and five-year-old you basically need to take out a loan. Maybe so many people are sneaking in to these movies just so that they don’t need to pay the absurd fees that it seems like revenue is down while attendance may still be up. Who knows?

Roger’s third point is the movie-going experience. Most people don’t want to go to a movie and listen to a bunch of other people talking or tip-tapping away on their bright smart phones. It was once something that was a very solid rule. No cell phones. Now it seems like more of a guideline.

The fourth point is the insanely inflated refreshment prices. I, for one, am not going in to a movie theater to pay five bucks for a small candy, another five bucks for a flat drink, and then yet another for an over-buttered bag of popcorn. I’d rather smuggle my soda in candy like some sort of drug smuggler (except I just use my pockets.)

This fifth point might be the biggest reason. Movie theaters have so much other competition when it comes to forms of movie delivery. Just the other day I brought my younger brother out the the movies as a surprise. The only thing he could say was “good thing I didn’t watch this one online last night.” Kids don’t watch movies in theaters anymore. They have direct tv, the internet, and most of all Netflix. Glorious, glorious Netflix. Ebert says it best  “Netflix alone accounts for 30% of all internet traffic in the evening. That represents millions of moviegoers. They’re simply not in a theater.”

His final point is that there is simply a lack of choice. Most big theaters only show the same blockbuster movies that these days are typically flops. Most people simply do not get exposure to independent or foreign films. These “art” films aren’t supposed to be all that popular but if you look at what people are watching on Netflix it tells you a different story. This year the top viewed movies were all foreign or independent movies that “nobody has ever heard of.”

Ebert and I agree. It seems that Americans love the movies just as much as ever. It is the combination of two things really the amazing range of options available and the fact that theaters simply aren’t what they used to be. In the article Ebert slips in a line saying perhaps this is why we need more movie critics in the papers and big media. While we have many people doing these blogs and writing on the internet we need someone we can trust to pick out the gems for us out of the thousands of movies available. When people ask my why I would want to write about movies as if there was no future in that. I will tell them I write to shine a light on the pile of stinking poop that is Hollywood and to guide all those brave others who are trying to get their story out there and doing a fantastic job towards people who will appreciate their work. This is what I want to do.

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Posting Original Content

For my journalism class I was asked to post a video online in various places and to interact with the comments. I decided to post a small video of my two younger brothers and I skateboarding.  I ended up posting the video in three places. First it was hosted on YouTube. Then I posted it to my Facebook page. Finally a made a Reddit post about it in the r/skateboarding section. As I had suspected I got the most response from Facebook. Some of my favorite comments were:

I have just witnessed one of the years best videos, where there once was thought to be nothing a glimmer of hope shines in the darkness. Surely people will make pilgrimages to the places shown in this video. -Sean Murphy

Embodiment of a care-free Summer.-Justin Van Goor

Loved it the first time and every time after. What memories are made from.- Jean Winship (aka my Mom)

It makes me sentimental for y’all because i love you(s) AND it makes me nostalgic for a time period in my life when i had hours to play outside perfecting my craft….bicycles, swimming and diving. -Shannon Lynch


It is always nice to see your friends and family comment on something you post. I responded to Justin Van Goor’s post saying that I actually was working fulltime to it wasn’t exactly care-free to which he responded with saying “Care-free can be figurative instead of literal party-pooper.” And then “Enter toking Sublime “summer song” post. Livings easy and all that bullshit.”  He is a character indeed. My mother and aunt (of whom I am friends with on Facebook…I know…) both submitted heartfelt comments about how much they love my brothers and I. On of my brothers commented both n=on Facebook and on YouTube about his lack of footy (footage) in the part. Some of my brother’s friends commented poking fun at them. Overall it was a very lighthearted conversation of people exclaiming their general approval for the video.

It wasn’t quite the same over at Reddit’s skateboarding section frequently gets a lot of user generated content. This content is usually either ignored or not worth commenting on. It appears this video falls into that category. It didn’t even get any upvotes. Sometimes that is the way it is on Reddit. You need to have something that will completely blow the audience away in order to get anywhere.

I have been posting pictures and videos online for years. I have been “starring” in videos my friends have posted for just as long. This wasn’t a new experience to me. It is always fun to see what your other friends or peers or strangers will say about your video. Comment culture is thriving and it will only get more and more prevalent until it seems all we do is talk to one another online. Hopefully at that point we can make a change and switch back to IRL conversations. Who knows?

Oh and if you want to check out the video here it is:

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Entering Comment Culture

As someone who thinks of themselves as pretty adept at this whole internet business I had never before jumped into comment culture like I did this semester. I had some experience with it. I was a member of a number of forums in my youth. Mostly for video or games (ashamedly) but, also forums I created for my rock climbing team. I have been a long time member of link sharing “news” site Reddit and have immersed myself into that comment culture. I still participate in a graffiti forum even though that part of my life is over. (I am really just there for the tattoo and skateboard sections) But I had never made a review online. I had hardly ever commented on news stories. I never even thought about writing to a newspaper or calling in to a radio station. Through this semester I did a lot of these things for the first time.  Sometimes it was frustrating and I wanted to just quit. Then during other times I was so pleased with the process and results that I didn’t want to stop.

The high of the semester for my regarding comment culture is when the owner of a blog I have been following for years commented on my own blog. Not only was it a simple comment it was a thoughtful comment that showed that he had clearly taken a look at my blog. As someone who gets an average of 7 views per day that was pretty damn cool. Due to stigmas in my circle I had looked down my nose at blogging. I don’t really know why. For me I had pictured some guy with a scarf and beret sitting in a coffee shop drinking an entirely too expensive coffee while writing meaningless nothings which in turn hundreds of people would gush over for no reason. Not my style. Through doing the blog for the whole semester I found that there is a bit more to it than that. I guess that could be another high of the semester.

Lows. If you have kept up with my blog I don’t think it’d be hard to say that the radio calling project was a low for me. I had gone in with high hopes of bantering with some snarky radio host who would try and succeed to get a rise out of me. I wanted to yell. I wanted to passionately discuss. What I got were busy signals, prerecorded messages, and a whole lot of disappointment. I gave talk radio a chance and it chewed me up and spit me out without giving me the satisfaction of hollering at them first. I will put talk radio away for a while and perhaps come back to it in a less busy part of my life.

I enjoyed leaving comments that sparked discussion or continued it. I don’t think I ever finished anybodies story. I do think I spread light on something that otherwise wouldn’t have been said or seen. I tried my best to bring something new to the table every time I made a new comment. I think one of my best examples of this was when I commented on a movie review blog. I had disagreed with the author on an opinion they stated in the review. Then the author as well as a few others responded and we ended up having a discussion on Hollywood or perhaps the downward spiral that we now know as Hollywood. It was interesting to talk to someone else besides my friends, who I already know share many of my beliefs on the matter, and they were complete strangers.

If I had to do it differently I would have done more. I am going to place the blame on this weird social stigma that had developed in my head on to why I didn’t blog or comment more. Towards the end I started to throw things in there that were not assignments. I got the most views on those things. I will continue this blog. It is good practice to write and it keep me thinking. Plus it is a place I can put cool or interesting things for everyone else to read. I had tried to do blogs before. I didn’t tell anyone. That was foolish. Now I want to tell people. I want to show people my blog and twitter and I want to see theirs. I want to be a part of comment culture. Especially in the little subcultures I am so fond of. So, cool. Cool cool cool.


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Nerdy White Kid Raps Fast [Update]

I was right. It went viral. Check out this Washington Post update  on it.

Can I just say: I called that one.

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The Narwhal Bacons at Midnight

When I found out that my Journalism professor wanted me to look at for a week and then write about it here in my blog I couldn’t help but to laugh. I’ve got my three years Reddit trophy and while that really isn’t something to brag about and I wouldn’t talk about it outside of the internets the thing is we are inside the internets right now so I think it’s fine.  Reddit has been a lot of things for me. Most of all it has become an addiction. I’ve talked to a friend about this assignment and he said “That professor just doomed that whole class. How are they going to do their finals now?” is a giant distraction. I don’t like telling people about it because if you get into it it will take up huge amounts of your time. You will be  browsing Reddit looking at stupid pictures of cats or videos of some guy rapping while cooking pancakes until you finally feel like you’ve looked enough so you open another tab to do something else and then you just have Reddit in another tab. You will start intentionally leaving Reddit out of your daily vocabulary because your friends and family will groan when they hear it. “Where did you learn that?” They might ask.  “Oh…the internet.” Reddit feels like a small tight knit community of like minded individuals. It isn’t. There are millions MILLIONS of people who look at Reddit every single day. In terms of comments you will easily get lost in the crowd unless you get in there early with either something witty or incredibly stupid. If it goes against the hivemind be prepared to be downvoted to hell. While there are some Reddit “celebrities” such as Sure_Ill_Draw_That, Flossdaily, probablyhittingonyou, or the notorious andrewsmith1986 most of the people and comments on Reddit go unnoticed. You can be there for years and never come close to the glorious front page. I’d love to share my Reddit username but that is a flat out lie. I don’t know what I said over the years and there is no way I am connecting that name with my real name. Not a chance. Especially with the revival or a sub-reddit aptly named WTF. I’ve commented on some things that simply shouldn’t be seen. While Reddit can be a terrible place that sucks away all your time and fills your mind with useless nonsense it is actually a valuable tool. I get all of my news information from Reddit. I have read many incredibly interesting personal stories. I have had the opportunity to talk to a number of famous people I otherwise would never “meet.” Come to think of it I have a free suit being sent to me in the mail right now from a person on Reddit. He had moved on in his life and didn’t need it anymore and offered it up to Reddit. There are good people on Reddit. Good things comes from the site. If you don’t let it distract you during Finals week and you make sure not to talk about it all the time Reddit is awesome. Also there are people all around you that go on Reddit that will know you do if you let a meme slip in real life. What’s a meme? That’s a whole new discussion my friend.

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